Sunday, February 22, 2009

Signs of Spring

In downtown Corvallis this morning, I noticed some optimistic daffodils were already in bloom. Elsewhere, crocuses are popping out and bursting into bright yellow, pink, and lavender blooms. Alders have catkins, ornamental pears are budding; robins are caroling, the Scrub Jays are yakking, and the Bewick's Wrens are singing like crazy. Yes, spring is on its way. However, winter isn't over yet--the rains returned today.

We waited until afternoon to do a short but intense uphill walk. This is a variation on my Baker Creek route but instead of remaining on FR800, we took the first left fork on FR811 and hoofed it up the hill for a 320 foot elevation gain. We stopped at the end of Alpha Trail which has been recently graveled (it needed it). A nice 1.5 mile round trip.

1 comment:

  1. What an ambitious and healthful goal, Tara! Hiking is great fun. Spring is in the air here, but only my snowdrops are in bloom now. You would love to hike the 'Gunks if you ever visit the Hudson Valley. :-)
