Sunday, April 18, 2010

Picking up the training pace!

Spring has finally arrived in earnest here in western Oregon. More sun than clouds, warmer temperatures, singing birds, and flowers galore have signaled lots of folks to get outdoors, including me.

I logged 34.9 miles this week including a 13.4 mile walk this morning. So far, so good--I noticed some fatigue around mile eleven or so and a little heel irritation. That said, I was able to maintain my goal pace of ~3.8 mph throughout. And that's what it'll take to complete the marathon in less than seven hours.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Training progress!

It's been a long, chilly, wet spring. And frankly, I've found it hard to get out and train. Nonetheless, I've been putting in enough miles to feel like the marathon is within reach. Today, I walked a 6.1 mile pavement loop in 95 minutes (which works out to about 3.8 mph).

This photo was taken looking south from the intersection of Lewisberg Road and Crescent Valley Drive. Along the way, I heard lots of spring birds and even a few frogs! Apple trees are blooming now, too. You can see the entire route (with elevation profile) here.