Yowza! I could really tell that I've lost some conditioning. This hike includes a whopping 977 foot elevation gain and we covered it at a slower pace than we usually do. Nonetheless, we had a great time and enjoyed the many singing Winter Wrens along the way who are announcing that breeding season is not long away. A few Rough-skinned Newts were easing along in the still chilly air.
The most exciting part of the hike was when we watched the local elk herd--about 18-20 animals, with at least one bull--cross the road a head of us. Fortunately, we had heard them bashing around in the forest before we saw them and successfully distracted both dogs beforehand. Massive beasts, those elk, and I was glad there was fifty yards or more between us and them.
With today's 6.5 miler, that gives me 12 for the week and 71.2 total for the year.