Saturday, May 16, 2009

A perfect hike with a good friend

Started early today to enjoy cool temps and glorious sunshine. We walked this incredible 6.5 mile loop in MacDonald State Forest enjoying spring flowers (tons of irises!), soaring hawks, ravens, and songbirds galore. I enjoy doing this one counter-clockwise to put the climbing early and a nice long downhill toward the end. Yes, you will dip in and out of some regenerating clearcuts on this route but for a day like today, you're rewarded with many terrific views.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Finally back on the trails!

After a long break for travel, I'm at last getting back into the training routine. Fortunately, the weather is lovely, providing extra incentive to get out on the trails. Yesterday, I jumped straight in with 3 mile hike on FR720.

Today, I tackled a variation on one of my favorite loops. Today's route began at the gate on Jackson Creek Road and proceeded clockwise for a really pleasant 3 mile hike. I got out early enough that I encountered very few people and heard lots of spring bird song including Swainson's Thrushes. Many spring lilies are in bloom just now, adding to the beauty.